Wednesday, April 18, 2012

When snow fall in the spring

When snow fall in the spring
desperative eyes the gloomy
the lips never laugh happily
looking for the meaning of meaningless meaning

When snow fall in the spring
the heart stop singing
it absolutely becomes crying
Each part of my body start coruppting

When snow fall in the spring
The one I cry on lossing
The fading of my mind begin
the wound reals my soul again

When snow fall in the spring
The rose just waits for blossoms coming
no water for watering
But the fears loyally we the leaf lying

*puisi yg ngebawa aku n gatchu ke pensi...
it's unforgetable moment guys!

loving pesva

ini ni, satu benda yang bisa ngebuat aku galau setengah mati. Sekali aja liat pesva di jalan, keingetannya ma ngebetnya bisa sampe' mau tidur, kadang malah kebawa mimpi *lebay, but i like so much.